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Allotment Soap Assessment?

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Woman working on allotment in city scape

Like you, our team loves to explore innovative ways to incorporate natural ingredients into cosmetic recipes. Our latest Allotment Soap CPSR enables you to go a step further & use home grown and fresh produce to enhance your soaps.

Simple, effective and beautiful soaps made with fresh veg! What's not to love?

Close up of natural soaps made with fresh vegetables and herbs

As with all of our "Off the shelf" Cosmetic Product Safety Reports, months of research and development went into this exciting new soap assessment to ensure consistent and predictable results for you.

The result is a range of soaps that enable you to use home grown* fresh vegetables & herbs like Kale, Garden Mint, Red Cabbage, Thyme, Swede and more with a wonderful variety of textures and colours. As you can see the soaps together make a gentle rainbow like display.

Soaps with labels showing the vegetables included

And as you would expect from natural soaps, they work tremendously well , lathering beautifully with a subtle range of texture & colour which is further enhanced by the addition of carefully chosen essential oils.

And even though our CPSRs are exceptional value for money, we make the recipes for all of our natural soaps free to use before you commit to purchasing. Why not enjoy making a variant or two for yourself?

*you can use home grown veg & herbs provided that they are grown without the use of pesticides. You may also use supermarket produce.

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